Plant Care & Information

Annuals &

Houseplants - A houseplant is a plant grown indoors in places such as residences and offices. Many people grow houseplants, for decorative purposes, and positive psychological effects. Some houseplants act as air filters, reducing air pollutions. Common houseplants are usually tropical or semi-tropical in nature that growers grow indoors. House-plants need the correct (watering) moisture, light levels, soil mixture, temperature, and humidity. As well, houseplants need the proper fertilizer and correct- container (planter) sized pots.
Annuals & Perennials
In yard gardening there are several types of plants (annuals & perennials), shrubs, (evergreens)and trees that when grown in some sort of arrangement, transforms a yard into a garden.
Annuals - An annual plant completes its life cycle, from: germination of the seed, to the growth of the plant and blossom of the flower, to the production of seeds (seed producing flowers,) within one year, and then dies. In cold climates (see Hardiness Zone Map below) the plant dies of at the first frost of the cool season. Summer annuals germinate during spring or early summer and mature by autumn of the same year. Many “Annuals” can survive the cold fall and winter months by keeping them indoors at the required light and recommended temperature needed for a healthy growing plant. This is known as “Over-wintering”.
Perennial - Perennial flowers are those that continue to grow year after year after remaining dormant throughout the winter. Usually these plants began to regrow at the latter-end of the winter to the early days of spring. A perennial plant or simply “Perennial” is a plant that lives more than two years. (return growing, year after year). Perennials, especially small flowering plants, that regrow and bloom over the spring and summer, die back every autumn and winter, (the perennial plant goes dormmate during the cold seasons and then return in the spring from their rootstock, are known as herbaceous perennials.
Evergreen – An evergreen is a tree, shrub, (bush) or plant that doesn't shed its leaves in the winter, but stays green (some evergreens change leaf color as the season change) all year.
Houseplants - A houseplant is a plant grown indoors in places such as residences and offices. Many people grow houseplants, for decorative purposes, and positive psychological effects. Some houseplants act as air filters, reducing air pollutions. Common houseplants are usually tropical or semi-tropical in nature that growers grow indoors. House-plants need the correct (watering) moisture, light levels, soil mixture, temperature, and humidity. As well, houseplants need the proper fertilizer and correct- container (planter) sized pots.
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