Plant Care & Information
How to Make A Propagation Box
for Rooting Plant Tips, Stems, & Sections Cuttings
Most, if not all the materials used in this project result from per-used disposable items and containers that would be discard as waste. In just about every project I undertake, I recycle most of the materials to keep it green
Clipping back plants is just one of the choirs of growing houseplants and gardening. So instead of discarding the cutting, use them to grow new plants by rooting the cuttings to increase your plant volume. Propagating plants from stem cuttings is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways of propagation. Numerous plants will root from just a clipping of a section of the plant.
• builders’ sand
• or small chunks of bark
• or perlite or vermiculite
• or tiny pebbles
(see Propagation Growing Medium below)

Instructions - DIY "How to Make a Propagation Box
Make a Propagation Box –
To Make a good medium size propagation container, you will (using recycle materials) need
Clear / semi-clear plastic bin (any size will do)
per-used clean plastic vegetable trays – punch drainage holes in the bottom of each or small nursery plant starter pots
2 small clean plastic cups for holding water
A set of Chop-sticks and/or a bamboo stick
Plant labels to identify the cuttings (add plant name & date planted)
Clean rack that’s fits the bottom of the propagation box
A clear flat sheet of plastic or a clear clean sheet of glass that fits the propagation box to make it air-tight
Propagation Container
Construct A Propagation Box

Clear - Semi-clear Plastic Bin
Clear - Semi-clear Plastic Bin
4 Clean Veggie tray or
(small plant starter pots)
Wire baking rack
Glass Sheet (2 may be needed)
A good propagation medium has ingredients that provide ideal ventilation, drainage and moisture holding features, made up from combinations of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, sand, or similar materials. The primary role of a propagation medium is to support plant cutting roots while in development. These requirements are quite different from those of a potting medium, which may have to sustain a mature or growing plant over a long period of time. Potting medium for growing plants and rooting medium doe propagation are not the same and not recommended.
Rooting Mixture
1-part Potting Soil, 1-part Seed Starter Soil, keep the soil airy, the propagation container soil used should be based on the plants need for drainage, alternatively, you can use vermiculite or any potting medium labeled for seed / cuttings starter. For plants that require good drainage so that they do not rot during the rooting process, add to the growing medium:
builders’ sand
or small chunks of bark
or perlite or vermiculite
or tiny pebbles
A non-soil potting mixture of 50 percent fine peat and 50 percent washed coarse sand with added plant food for starter plants
Fill the container(s) with 3” of the growing medium
Countless times, there arises problems with plant clipping placed in soil to propagate, several will rot, some will just wither and die, a few will not take root (see End Note [i]i)
Many plants will easily root in water, although, the root system that form can be extremely leathery and tough. Plants rooted in water often have a difficult time becoming established after planting in growing soil.
[i] “Tap” water goes through the city’s processing felicity and it has chemicals such as chorine which may be harmful to many plants check the plants labeling for watering and care.
Propagation Growing Medium Mixtre
Rooting Hormone
Many plants that are easy-to-root will not require the use of a rooting hormone to stimulate root growth, but applying rooting hormone will assure faster rooting and a stronger root system. These materials provide supplemental auxin, a naturally occurring plant hormone that is responsible for root development. When using rooting hormone, the hormone becomes concentrated. Dipping the base end of the stem into rooting hormone promotes greater root development as this varies in different plant species, rooting hormone come in different strengths and will vary according to the type of plant being used.
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Construct the Propagation Box/Chamber
Propagating Stem Cutting
If you desire increasing your volume of plant without spending a lot of money, then stem cutting is the way to go. When a plant has seen the best of its glory days, it is time to prune and propagate to make new plants and allow the parent plant to regenerate itself. If the parent has not passed the time of its’ life span, pruning, and clipping back the stems will encourage new growth. Propagating the stem cuttings will increase the number of that plant by the count of stems propagated.
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