Plant Care & Information
share POLICY
members upload & file share
Terms of Use & Conditions effective: Wednesday, August 14, 2019

PLEASE read the entire File Share POLICY prior to uploading files.
File Share & Uploads
This document governs Members usage, information & photo image uploads
The website DENNIS PLANT GARDEN - Plant Care & Information designed to show & share how I care for my houseplants and gardens through the growing experience, and the tips I use for plant success. The Website Dennis’s Plants & gardening Tips is an internet site accessible at the following URL: https://dennisleebrowncrea.wixsite.com/dennisplantgarden and accessible at: DENNIS PLANT GARDEN The information and photo images of the site are the copyright of Dennis Lee Brown, with all rights reserved. The exception to this rule is to allow sight visitors and members to access and the downloads of such photo images and copying of information
Website “Members” Upload & Share
A visitor may use and view the entire website, but they have no authority to upload content to the website. If a visitor desires to share his/her information or photo images, they must become a registered member of DENNIS PLANT GARDEN. As a registered Member of the website, you can share, and showcase only your plant caring experiences by uploading photo images along with a description and comment of their plants and/or garden photos. The Website prohibits uploading of someone else’s information and/or photos.
In order to use this section of this website, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give certain information (such as name, email address, etc.). This information is used to contact you about the products/services on our site in which you have expressed interest. At your option, you may also provide demographic information (such as gender, age or location) about yourself, but it is not required unless otherwise needed to full an obligation.
“We” the website at https://dennisleebrowncrea.wixsite.com/dennisplantgarden holds and has no responsibility for the copyright of any of the Members uploaded content. The member uploading the content is responsibility for the copyright rights of all content they share with this website, its’ visitors, and Members.
You are strictly forbidden from copyright infringement and intellectual property theft. All information and or photos/images should be the property of the member uploading it to the website.
Deleted Albums & Photos
When you create an album, DENNIS PLANT GARDEN keeps your email address to send you the link to your album.
When you upload pictures, they are saved on our servers for the duration of your album. Once the album or photo is deleted, the picture is permanently removed from our files and website.
Photo storage is managed by WIX on the website
Two weeks after your album has expired, your photos are removed permanently from DENNIS PLANT GARDEN servers.
Photo, Image and Information Compliance
You agree and commit to respecting the content of the website https://dennisleebrowncrea.wixsite.com/dennisplantgarden and its’ values. As a member, you may not share any illegal, offensive, obscene or vulgar content. Any content of any kind is not allowed if the content is deemed out of character with the websites’ values. Any post that is posted to cause harm to the websites visitors or members shall be banned from posting content. Violators will lose their good-standing membership status and possibly blocked as a member, losing all member benefits.
Site users (members only) has the ability to upload content (images, audio, video, text ...) for disclosure on the website, it is important that the issuer of such content certifies that he or she is the author/owner has all the legal rights and/or necessary licenses over the content and that such content might be publicly available.
You agree not to upload or share photos containing any illegal content such as:
Insulting, Sexist, Racist, Xenophobic, Revisionist or any content that may harm the integrity, honor, reputation or image of an individual, community or organization,
Pedo-pornographic content, pornographic content aimed at harming the reputation of an individual,
Content infringing the rights of one or several third parties, such as intellectual property rights, industrial property rights or file rights of persons,
Content advocating or inciting hatred, crime, suicide or self-harm,
Content advocating war crimes, crimes against humanity, or acts of terrorism,
Content in breach of confidentiality,
Moreover, all uploads must meet these criteria of this Photo, Image and Information Compliance Policy.
By uploading content to DENNIS PLANT GARDEN website, you accept & agree to the terms of this policy and will adhere to them.
This policy in in effect as of Wednesday, August 14, 2019 and is subject to change without notice.