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Water Propagation  - Rooting clippings in water to grow new plants

Photo Credit (C) Dennis Lee Brown 2017

  • Clean pruning tool – Snipping tool, Scissor, Sharp Knife,

  • Clean, clear water holing container – Drinking Glass, Jar, vase etc.

  • 4" to 5" Plant stem cuttings

  • Fresh water

The kind of water used is important because all water is not just H2O.  Thru water processing there are any numbers of chemicals added, which can be harmful to plant clipping .


.The kind of water used is important because all water is not just H2O.  Thru water processing there are any numbers of chemicals added, which can be harmful to plant clipping awaiting water rooting.  “TAP”, city processing treatment facilities, add many chemicals to water treatment such as “chlorine” and others.  While chlorine in water is alright for human consumption, chlorine is not good for plants and over the long term can be harmful, eventually killing the plant.  Distilled water is not really a good choice to root plants because distilled water has no natural minerals to feed the plant cutting, as they may root (that’s barely, if at all ) the plant will be weak and droopy from lack of nutrients.  If you prefer using distilled water, add water soluble plant food or a few drops of liquid plant food to the water and mix well.  Do this each time you change the water to ensure good nutrient consumption.



Rooting Plants

in Water

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Dennis Plant Garden IMG_2265 ROOTING PLA

Various plants grow in water, so of-course these plants will root in water and there are many soil growing plants that will root in water as well.  Before rooting plant clipping in water, consider these few simple guidelines.  First-of-all, you will need:

Keep it Green - RECYCLE_edited.png
Dennis Plant Garden IMG_(2256) WATER PROPAGATIO

Rooting Coleus in Plain Spring water

Dennis Plant Garden IMG_(2256) WATER PROPAGATION

Rooting Coleus in Water with Plant Food

Water, Stem & Leaf Propagation Chart

Plant Popagstion in Water - Chart 1.PNG
Dennis Plant Garden IMG_(2338) PLANT PRO

Variegated Ivy -  Stem Cutting Propagation in Water

Stem Cutting Propagstion Plants.PNG
Leaf Prppagation.PNG
Leaf Sections - Snake Plant.PNG


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