Plant Care & Information
Gardening & Potting Tools

Let face it, working with plants and in the garden, itself means working with dirt, potting, and gardening soils. Even though planting botanical makes an area attractive, digging in the dirt is essential to enjoying the fruits of your labor. We stir in all types of soil with gardening & potting tools, it is a must that we keep them clean that we do not spread bacteria and/or diseases from one plant to another or even yet, from one garden bed to others.
It is known that gardening & potting tools, especially cutters, pruners, trowels, and forks are prone to carry unseen bugs, bacteria and/or diseases to other plants. Avoided transferring these pests to the next plant by completely cleaning the tools using such agents as alcohol, soap, bleach, and water. Good gardening tools can cost lot, because quality tools, they’re designed to last for years, provided they receive good maintenance and care. A bargain tool is just that, “a bargain” and it will not last nor preform as good as one which you spend a few dollars. The cheaper tool, sooner later, it is throne-away, but if you take care of the expensive tools, they will last and serve you for years.
Simple chores to maintain garden tools
Always remove all soil from your digging tools after each use. Scrape off any stuck-on mud, wash with soap and hose/rinse, be sure to dry all the tools prior to storing them to prevent rusting and handle rot.
Clean all tools used in chemicals rinse & soap off any traces of fertilizer and other chemical products used in your gardening & planting. Chemicals may be corrosive to metal tools and Fertilizers and other chemicals will rapidly corrode any metal parts.
Photo Credit (C) Dennis Lee Brown 2017
Maintaining & Caring for Gardening Tools
Tool Care
When finished with the pruning, cutting, or propagation session, thoroughly clean all the used tools to prevent the spread of diseases and pest that are harmful to the plants.

Good gardening tools can cost lot, because quality tools, they’re designed to last for years, provided they receive good maintenance and care. A bargain tool is just that, “a bargain” and it will not last nor preform as good as one which you spend a few dollars. The cheaper tool, sooner later, it is throne-away, but if you take care of the expensive tools, they will last and serve you for years.