Plant Care & Information
Mother-in-laws Toung - Vipers Bowstring
Batanicle Name: (Sansevieria trifasciata )
(Sansevieria trifasciata), also called mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plant and viper's bowstring hemp, it is a multi-colored, spear like leaves add drama whether you grow it indoors as a houseplant or outdoors in a container or in the ground. The plant grows outside in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 and in USDA zone 9A if it's hardiness zones , provided with enough protection from winter frosts and cold temperatures. Snake Plant’s natural habitat is that of dry ground, so it thrives in drought conditions.
Because snake plant grows naturally in dry soil, it doesn't need a lot of water. When watering, pour the water directly on the soil around the base of the plant instead of in the center of the plant itself. Water only when the soil has dried out completely.
Give your indoor plant medium levels of water, this may be weekly if the room gets very warm or if it's outdoors in hot, summer temperatures. In winter, water less often either outdoors or indoors.
Mother-in-law’s tongue needs no pruning, and it's easy to start new plants from either the small new growths, called suckers, that grow from the base of the plant or even from pieces of the leaves. Place suckers or parts of leaves in rooting hormones potting soil, and keep them slightly moist until they develop roots. Give the plant four to six weeks to develop roots, and then begin to water less often.
Jade Plant
Snake Plant
Ideal Preferences
Snake Plant’s natural habitat is that of dry ground, so it thrives in drought conditions. Because snake plant grows naturally in dry soil, it doesn't need a lot of water. When watering, pour the water directly on the soil around the base of the plant instead of in the center of the plant itself. Water only when the soil has dried out completely.
Sansevieria likes light, with indirect sun for 6 to 8 hours a day outdoors and bright indirect light indoors. Whether indoors or out, provide protection from very hot, afternoon sun, whether by placing in a more shady location outdoors or moving the plant to a shaded window indoors. This plant can stand medium light indoors near a sunny window.
Moderately - dry and a pot with good drainage.
Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
it's easy to start new plants from either the small new growths, called suckers, that grow from the base of the plant or even from pieces of the leaves. Place suckers or parts of leaves in rooting hormones potting soil, and keep them slightly moist until they develop roots. Give the plant four to six weeks to develop roots, and then begin to water less often.You can also propagate snake plants through leaf cuttings. Just cut 2 to 3-inch pieces of a leaf and place them about 1 inch deep in soil appropriate for snake plants. Make sure to plant cuttings facing up, the same direction they were growing.
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