Plant Care & Information
Use a clean pair of pruning shears, Cut the ivy, make each cut directly above a leaf, cut multiple pieces of about 4 inches (are sure each piece has at least 3-5 leaf). Remove bottom 2-3 leaf’s and dip the end of each stem in rooting hormone powder.
Variegated ivy leaves will typically have green and white or yellow markings. The white and yellow areas on the variegated ivy leaves lack chlorophyll. Too much bright sunlight may scorch the leaves and/or turn the leaf into all green.
The second secret to variegated ivy care is to significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer you give the plant. Because variegated ivy leaves have less chlorophyll, the plant produces less energy for growth. This means variegated ivy plants grow much slower than their all green cousins. Because they grow slower, they need much less food in the soil. The best fertilizer care of a variegated ivy is to fertilize only once a year, at most. Even then, do so only lightly. If you fertilize your variegated ivy any more than this, excess fertilizer will build up in the soil and can kill your plant.
(Hedera helix
Variegated Ivy leaves will typically have green and white or yellow markings. The white and yellow areas on the variegated ivy leaves lack chlorophyll. Variegated Ivy is an in/outdoor plant that needs protection from the rays of the sun.
This means that because of the variegation, variegated ivy care is slightly different than normal green ivy care. First, a variegated ivy plant needs less sunlight and it requires placement out of direct sunlight. Variegated ivy will do best on a window sill behind a sheer curtain.
Variegated Iny
Ideal Preferences
Keep soil moist but well-drained. Check the soil moisture with your finger. If the top 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, or you witness wilted leaves, it is time to water. Apply water at the base of the plant, soil level if possible to avoid wetting the foliage.
A variegated ivy requires that you place the ivy plant in indirect or filtered bright sunlight. Variegated ivy leaves will burn if placed in direct sunlight. This plant can adopt to partial shade to full shade. Never locate it in direct sunlight.
Hardness Zone:
Varieties suitable Zones 5-12
60° to 80°F (16° to 27°C)
Fertilizer :
Low to no fertilizer is need.
The second secret to variegated ivy care is to significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer you give the plant. Because variegated ivy leaves have less chlorophyll, the plant produces less energy for growth. This means variegated ivy plants grow much slower than their all green cousins. Because they grow slower, they need much less food in the soil. The best fertilizer care of a variegated ivy is to fertilize only once a year, at most. Even then, do so only lightly. If you fertilize your variegated ivy any more than this, excess fertilizer will build up in the soil and can kill your plant.
Start with a good quality, commercial potting soil. All-purpose houseplant or gardening soil helps with growing healthy plant whether in/outdoors.