Plant Care & Information
Japanese Holly Fern
Ideal Preferences
Keep the potting soil lightly moist at all times, but well draiined. Will tolerates moist soil.
Bright indirect light to Partly shade to indoor window indirect light (light filtered through a curtin)
High-quality house plant potting mix. They thrive in acidic, nutrient rich soil with good drainage.
Feed monthly spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) diluted by half.
Hardiness (min.)
Hardy in zones 6-10
Average to warm 65-80°F/18-27°C.
Divide in spring when it gets too big for its pot (probably every 5 years or so). To divide, cut rhizomes so that each piece has a growing tip and at least 3 fronds. Grows 1-2' tall 2-3' wide
Cyrtomium are evergreen and require minimal cleanup in early spring before new fronds emerge. Prune back damaged and old looking fronds to leave room for the newly emerging fronds.
N/A Does not flower
Green Thumb Tip:
Frequently check your plant for pest and treat any infestation as soon as you notice it. Bugs reproduce rapidly and will attack other plants, carrying fungus or other disease from plant to plant (treat & separate the infected plant(s).
Dennis's Green Thumb Tip

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Botanical Name: Cyrtomium falcatum
Holly Fern is eye-catching on its own. But long fronds with thick, shiny green leaflets make this a handsome addition to any indoor plant grouping.
Combine this easy-care fern among variegated foliage plants, such as snow bush, colorful coleus -- or one of the prayer plants. This fern's leaflets are about 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) long with saw-toothed edges. Although it resembles the holly plant, the two aren't related. Less fussy about humidity than most common indoor ferns, it flourishes in the home with little care. Unlike many ferns, Cyrtomium falcatum does not shed. Keep the plants clean as possible, those green leaflets are naturally glossy. They will retain their shine by wiping them off with a damp cloth. Or take it to the shower for a lukewarm shower, you may use a plant watering can with sprinkler holes and pour water on the leaves.
Repot Japanese Holly Fern in spring:
Holly Fern begins its most vigorous time of growth during the summer months. When repotting, make sure the crown of the plant is slightly above the soil line to prevent rot to the lower leaves. Use a pot with drainage holes so that the soil won't get soggy and the roots lay in water. Now that you have your fern out of its container, this is a good time to divide it, if you want.
Watch for scale insects, that look like small, brown discs on leaflets. Scale are flat, tiny, reddish-brown insects that suck plant juices, leaving a sticky coating on leaves. Adult scale insects develop a hard, round shell which can make them difficult to kill.
(Sometimes the brown spores on the undersides of leaflets mistaken for scale. You'll recognize the spores because they appear in two rows under each pinna.) To remove scale insects, scrape them off with your fingernails. Don't use insecticides on ferns because they easily damage by chemicals.
You'll find Holly Fern for sale by its botanical name. Look for Cyrtomium falcatum to be sure you're getting this plant. It's well-worth seeking out. This is one of the easiest ferns to grow indoors
Jade Plant